Oktubre 30, 2011


It is driving me nuts if the title of this article is “Here Comes the Bride or “A Love Story.” I can’t think of anything attractive about the title of this article. I should have done the article after I interviewed Winah last June 2011, when what transpired was still fresh on my mind. Only lately that I created a new blog, leaving behind the trails of Qualfon Madness and start scribbling back again.  
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

It was in 1970 the movie “Love Story” portrayed by Ali MacGraw and Ryan O’Neal was shown. I was a young lass then. I felt excited watching love story. I put myself though I was the actress falling in love with a gorgeous guy. Even now I have this kind of fantasy. The last parting words of Oliver (Ryan O’Neal)when his father apologized was “Love means you never have to say you’re sorry.” This quotation lives forever. The movie was really so touching, it broke my soul that I cried. So many love stories have been written and produced into a movie but there are also great love stories that just become footprints in the sand.

It was an awkward moment when I had a tête-à-tête conversation with Winah last June. It was awkward because she had few days left and she would be leaving the portals of Qualfon after 5 years. I bet she had no option but to sacrifice her career in the name of love. I had a mundane feeling that I would burst into tears during our conversation. Whatever happened during our conversation I will discuss later on. I want to talk first about her heydays in Operations.

When you saw in the 7th floor a Shift Manager with big black eyes, instantly you would recognize the face, that she was Winah. Her eyes speak much of her soul. No greedy bone in her. I noticed that she liked to wear between pink and black blouses. Wore eyeglasses sometimes that she somewhat looked like a teacher or a kind of a genius. No qualms and head cool over our shenanigans about Operations Management. Not taking things to personal when  we supervisors were bombarding her with too many layered issues  on the floor. I call this an  argumentum ad baculum (a negative form of an argument). When she held meeting among her supervisors her agenda were properly designed and she was taking notes of our concerns. She was well organized but not bookish to the extent.

Oktubre 29, 2011


Soul Searching

Maybe Bryan was hyperactive when he was still formed in her mother’s womb. I said this because he is perky (malukit) in some situations when he is in  your company. That is a childlike attitude that is proactive in him but on the other hand his being childlike is predominantly sweet, caring and amiable. Sometimes too you would be caught off guard because he can be brutally blunt and voracious. That is totally Bryan. Without these traits from him, then you would ask in day if this is really Bryan that you are associating with. Born under zodiac sign Taurus, stubbornness runs through his veins.

Oktubre 23, 2011


Who is not afraid of growing old? Anyone Virginia? Of course, I know that every living human creature in this chaotic world is too scared to get old, to see their faces with fine lines, to see their skin sagging and dry, to see their hairs sprinted with gray and to tell the truth about their age. They say the best way to stay young is to lie about your age. Even sometimes I don’t like telling the exact figure of my age. When they asked me about my age I would throw back the question; “What is your guess.”  If they said; “You look 35 y/o” I smiled and tell them the truth that I’ll be 50 years soon. We cannot forever lie about our age just to make us young. We cannot fool everyone about our age.

Talking about age, I had a weird experience yesterday. It was like time travelling and one moment, I realized that we can travel like the speed of time.

Oktubre 16, 2011

Inspiring Thoughts

You've trained yourself to face reality. You've trained yourself to tell the truth. You've trained yourself to tell it like it is. So in the beginning, these fantasies feel a little inappropriate, because it's like you're fooling yourself. Sometimes people will say, "Well, isn't this just denial?" And we say, "We hope so!" We hope that you are denying the absence that you do not want. And we hope that you are embracing the presence of what you do. But somehow the idea of denial has become a dirty word to you; like it is virtuous to face the reality of the horror of your own lives. And we would be ignoring anything that did not please us. We would get our eyes on what feels good.
Hope itself is a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords; but, like all other pleasures immoderately enjoyed, the excesses of hope must be expiated by pain. Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.. The miserable have no other medicine But only hope :) This is a movement to start a conversation. This is a movement to show you that you are not alone, no matter what you struggle with. Addiction, depression, suicide; this is a movement to show you that these things are okay to talk about. Hope, is real.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?

I Walk In the Rain By Your Side

This is about Friendship.

I'll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your
tears away, being your best friend. I'll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do, and if you cry a single tear, I promise I'll cry to.

Have you ever felt so alone waking-up one morning? Feeling that the world is turning upside down against you?  I feel this way especially when my brain dictates my body in turmoil of depression.  When I am depressed I would rather spend my time sleeping, talk with God and shout out my sentiments in Facebook.

The light bulbs of my life are warm, gracious and  good people around me. They make me smile & laugh. They also make me cry. Oh, I am one kind of sentimental fool.  I can also share my burdens. I can lean my head on their shoulders. I can listen to their stories. I can sympathize with them.  Summing, they treat me as a “surrogate mom”.  I am a "Mommy" to all - the matriarch.

Smack my brain. With all these hundred kids addressing me "Mommy" I feel like I am a darling to all. I am like a  Buddha figure. Have u seen a Buddha figurine? In that figurine you can see little kids hanging right beside him for spiritual enlightenment. I am not that really devout spiritual. I adore God in my own way-the way I was brought up by my parents and the Catholic schools.  Maybe I am  just a nerve cracking woman who enjoyed the companion of others from all walks of life.   What I am talking here is my relationship with other people. How we build beautiful friendship although a long the way we have experienced some glitches but still stick together as one.

True blooded kiddo

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like
the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important
thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a

meaningful day.  
-Dai Lama
He is “Crush ng Bayan” definitely because of his ravishing look. A bold definition I can say. If he is extremely handsome, then he is extremely beautiful inside. This is the focal facet that they don’t exactly know. Some gals would admire him due to his handsomeness. They are only looking on the outside physical looks of Mike. It cannot be denied that myriad is gaga over him. Some would even ask me personal questions about Mike but I would blatantly answer: “It is none of my personal business about the personal life of this kid.” From the entire hullabaloo in "Q", I would also hear them say; “Mike is like a bombshell" and I say Bingo! Mike is very vocal. When he is mad, he is mad. He is like a raging bull. You better watch out (lol). No pretensions but never push your alarm system. That will subside eventually. I admire his gallantry to speak out what are on his mind. I would rather like him to be straightforward that being a dorky. That is also the description of myself-straightforward. In most likely, he is my other self. When he is mad, I remind him that he is no longer handsome then he would smile at me. Or I tap his shoulder to mellow down his temper. When I flare-up, he doesn't know what to do to me. Maybe because I look like a gooey smurf.